As with just about everything in 2020, our Vocation Ministry team took a hiatus while our parish worked to keep everyone safe from Covid-19. We are here remotely and ready to support ALL Vocations: Consecrated Life including Vocations, Married Life and Blessed Singleness.
This Ministry doesn’t sell raffle tickets or hold bake sales. Rather, we are a prayerful Ministry. We need the help of all of you reading this. Can you offer daily a decade of the Rosary for Vocations? Or at least offer a prayer for Vocations from time to time.
We need to get CHRISTIANITY back on track for 2021 starting here at St. John’s. Starting with each of you.
Our team includes Fr. Dave, Fr. Rody, Adelle Slebodnik, Scott Martin, Maureen Ruschak, Tina Mihalich, Angelo and Darlene Spagnolo. Please contact our parish office with any questions or thoughts.
We welcome your prayerful support!