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​Baptism is the gateway to life in the Spirit. It is the means through which we gain access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God. By Baptism we become members of Christ and his church.

The Diocese of Greensburg has official qualifications of Baptism sponsors, as well as the appropriate number of sponsors required.​

Qualifications of Baptismal Sponsors

  1. Be designated by the candidate, by the parents or guardians, or the pastor.
  2. Have the qualifications and intention of performing the role of sponsor.
  3. Be at least 16 years old.
  4. Be a fully initiated Catholic (received baptism, confirmation and Eucharist).
  5. Lead a life in harmony with the faith and role of a sponsor (i.e., be a member of a parish, attend Mass on Sundays and holy days, not be in an irregular marriage, etc.).
  6. Not be bound by a canonical penalty.
  7. Not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized. 

Our diocese continues the practice of requiring proof of eligibility for sponsorship (in accord with the qualifications above) from the parish in which the sponsor is registered.​​

The Number of Sponsors

  1. ​​​Only one sponsor is required for baptism
  2. If, two sponsors are chosen one must be male and the other female.
  3. The second sponsor may be a Christian Witness (i.e., a non-Catholic Christian may fulfill this role).

In the event that neither the candidate, nor the parents or guardians select a sponsor, pastors may appoint a member of the parish community to fill the role of sponsor. Many parents are often concerned that they cannot find a suitable sponsor for a variety of reasons (i.e., unavailability of family members, being new to the area or unfamiliar with parishioners, etc.). 

In such cases, pastors have the responsibility of assisting parents and candidates in the selection of a parishioner to be a sponsor.​​

Planning A Baptism

  1. ​Contact Scott Martin, Director of Faith Formation to discuss Baptismal Preperation.
  2. After you have completed Baptismal Preperation, contact the Parish Office to schedule your Baptism.  Baptisms are performed  after the 5:00pm Vigil or 11am Masses, and by consultation with the Parish Office.
  3. Submit sponsor names to the Parish Office at least two weeks prior to Baptism.  Sponsor Certificates must be received in the Parish Office a minimum of two days prior to the scheduled Baptism.  Failure to turn in these forms will result in a sponsor being appointed by the Pastor.

Baptismal Preparation Classes

​All parents having their child Baptized must attend a class.

If you would like to attend a class, please contact Scott Martin by email or by calling 724-736-0158.