Finance Council
The Bishop heads the Diocese and appoints a Priest as pastor to serve and manage each parish community on his behalf. The pastor is ultimately responsible for all parish finances. Church law (Canon 1280 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law) and diocesan norms recognize the tremendous responsibility given to pastors in the realm of parish finances.
The Parish Finance Council is an advisory body that assists the Pastor and Business Manager in preparation of the annual budget, and assists in monitoring and management of the stewardship of the parish funds. Together, they develop and work with a financial plan that supports the parish’s pastoral plan and provides for the future needs of the parish community. The Finance Council helps to give direction on acts of extraordinary financial costs, such as major repairs or renovations, adequate reserves, facility management, endowments and planned giving. These members are practicing, faithful Catholics who are active members in our Parish Community. Finance Council meets on a quarterly basis.
The Parish Finance Council is comprised of the following members:
Rob Erdely (Chairperson), Barbara Mehalov, Joanne Toruisso, & Nick Usher. Staff: Adelle Slebodnik, Business Mgr