
Sacramental Preparation

Reconciliation & Eucharist

The preparations for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist (First Holy Communion) are provided at special meetings with parents and children throughout the 2nd grade year.  PROVIDED THE CHILD HAS ATTENDED FAITH FORMATION IN FIRST GRADE.

These sacraments are a sacred gift and steps on a life of faith that will last a lifetime.  Therefore, our sacrament preparation focuses on the grace and blessings that come with these gifts and what is expected of those who receive them.​


 Youth entering 8th grade will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.  8th Grade will now be the standard year for reception of the Sacrament.  This is a very exciting time in the lives of these youth, as they get to confirm their beliefs and commit for themselves the same promises their parents and godparents made for them at Baptism.    

To prepare them, there will be workshops throughout the coming months.  Part of their preparation will be attending Faith Formation Classes and participating in Service

Upcoming Schedule

June 15 – Service Project  6pm to 8pm at Saint Sebastian, Belle Vernon.   Parent Meeting will occur at 7pm.   All candidates are to attend.

June 26 – VIrtual Retreat 9am to 12pm   Please watch your email for the link.

October 23 – In Person Retreat at Saint John the Baptist.   Retreat will begin at the 5pm Youth Mass, followed by a bonfire and outdoor retreat until 8pm.

November 29 – Practice at 7pm at Saint Sebastian, Belle Vernon

November 30 – Confirmation at 7pm at Saint Sebastian, Belle Vernon