
St. Hedwig – Brier Hill Cemetery

L​ocated​ at 6522 National Pike East, Brier Hill, PA

The cemetery is open for visitation daily from 7:00 a.m., until dusk.

  • ​There are no available plots at this cemetery.
  • No trees or shrubs can be planted on a grave.
  • Before a monument is placed, contact the Parish Office to ensure proper placement.
  • A dumpster is located at the bottom of the cemetery near the woodline.  Please do not throw trash into wooded areas.
  • All burials must be arranged through the Parish Office, proper paperwork must be filed with the state pertaining to all burials.​

​Request for family research must be submitted by completing this form​.​

Cemetery Inquiries

All inquiries, questions or concerns can be directed to Adelle Slebodnik​. For additional information on each cemetery, please choose the appropriate link.​​